Serious illness withdrawal

You can withdraw your savings from your standard accounts if you are leaving work as a result of serious illness. You just need to complete form 12 leaving form [PDF, 168 KB]. An early withdrawal from your locked accounts may be available if we are reasonably satisfied that you are suffering from a serious illness. If you are leaving work and wish to withdraw funds from your locked account, you need to complete form 11 medical withdrawal [PDF, 209 KB]

Life-shortening congenital condition withdrawal

You may make a life-shortening congenital condition withdrawal if you were born with a condition that is expected to reduce your life expectancy or the life expectancy of persons in general suffering from that condition below New Zealand superannuation qualification age (currently 65). You can withdraw funds from your standard and/or locked accounts whether or not you are leaving work. In accordance with the KiwiSaver Act, you must provide us with medical evidence from a medical practitioner verifying that you suffer from a life-shortening congenital condition and that condition is a life-shortening congenital condition that is either:

  • listed under the government’s predetermined list of congenital conditions (a listed condition), or
  • not listed under the government’s list but expected to reduce life expectancy below the New Zealand superannuation qualification age of the member or for persons in general with that condition (a non-listed condition).

Listed conditions currently include:

  • cerebral palsy
  • Down syndrome (Down’s syndrome)
  • fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
  • Huntington’s disease (Huntington’s chorea).

If you make a life-shortening congenital condition withdrawal from your locked accounts, you’ll be treated as if you have reached the age of eligibility for withdrawal from the locked section for the purposes of the complying superannuation fund rules and the KiwiSaver Act. That means you’ll no longer be able to receive any government contributions and your employer may be able to stop their contributions to your locked accounts.

You’ll find more information to help you on form 11 medical withdrawal [PDF, 209 KB].

You don't need to complete the medical withdrawal form if you are leaving work and have funds in the standard section only. In this case, simply complete a form 12 leaving form [PDF, 168 KB] and let us know you wish to withdraw your savings.